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Authorities indifferent even as Forest-Fire spreads

Tuesday, March 23, 2010 , Posted by PBJ at Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Authorities are turning a wry face towards demand for action as wild-fire consumes precious vegetation in the eastern forest-lands of Kerala. For the last few days forests in the High ranges of Kerala from Neriamngalam and Adimaly are burning. By the time I write this post hundreds of hectors of forest is already destroyed and thousands of wild-animals are killed, yet the concerned authorities are in no mood to act. With rain keeping away during the winter months and summer approaching, inaction would lead to a calamity of unimaginable scale in the biosphere.

Fire-lines not made

When enquired by Greenpeople, it was revealed that this year, the forest authorities did not make any fire-lines or fire-breakers that could have averted the spread of fire. Normally forest authorities worldwide take measures to prevent wild-fire well before the summer starts. Making of fire-lines, controlled fires and many investments for the effective monitoring of forest-fire are done. Statistics point out that only 8% of the wild-fires are caused by natural phenomenons such as lightning, the rest are man-made. Most of such incidents could be prevented by proper monitoring and strict implementation of laws. Early detection is a key factor in fighting forest-fires for that enables quick response. But here the Goverment is sitting idle as the land burns.

The status of a project that the forest department of Kerala started in 2004 for Development of a Forest Fire Forecasting System for Western Ghats, India using Web-Based GIS and Remote Sensing is not known.

It is man-made

Greenpeople team visited the area and seeing the pattern of the fire and its nature we are sure that it is caused by human-intervention. Many local people in Neriamangalam confided to the fact. We doubt there is a conspiracy in the irresponsible behavior of forest authorities and the fact that fire-lines were not made this year ads strength to our conjecture. Forest encroachers are ruthlessly destroying the nature for profiteering and the wild-fire is just another means.

The recent increase of incidents involving wild animals entering human settlements especially the issue elephants ruining cultivations have helped the encroachers in gaining local support as they see it as a way to prevent the elephants. In fact this will only worsen the situation for the reason for the elephant's issue is deforestation itself. With the large-scale felling of trees and encroachment of forest land they have lost their natural habitat and resources. Studies show that the watersheds in the region are disturbed and the ground water level is dipping fast. As a result water resources dry up and wild animals are forced to move out in search of water and food.

Illicit Liquor and wild-fire

In a state like Kerala where the major revenue for the state treasury comes from liquor-trade, the illicit-liquor needn't be an issue. There are innumerable illicit-liquor-dens across the state. Many of them are in the hills of the Sahyadri. Earlier they were in the outer regions of the forest. With the state tightening its grip they have moved into inner parts. Normally these liquor dens are spotted by the light from the brewing centres. The new technique they invented for hiding is setting fire to the forest so that their light is mistaken for wild-fire. This is the main reason for continuance of this fire.

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