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A question and Answer from Google Buzz

Saturday, April 17, 2010 , Posted by PBJ at Saturday, April 17, 2010

Given below is the exchange sbetween Varun Ea, my friend and myself on Google Buzz

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  • Varun EA - which country in the world has the king of inclusive growth that india has considering its position 60 yrs before??? which country has progressed the way that india has??? which country in this world gives minorities and destitute the kind of participation and share in rule/resources that india gives???
    ofcourse there r flaws in our system..but its comparatively better..and take time that benefits reach the last of the naxals living in forest.
    and if we don't curb them FORCEFULLY today, they will spoil the country...NO ONE SHUD BE ALLOWED TO TAKE WEAPON AGAINST THE COUNTRY/GOVERNMENT.

  • PB Jijeesh - Dear Varun i think u got it all 'ulta pulta', it is not the matter of development reaching the naxals livng in forests., It is not Naxals who live in forest they are mostly adivasis, the originals inhabitants of this land. Maoists are a few insurgent groups operating among them. If these adivasis believe Maoists more than our government whose fault it is? Now regarding inclusive growth do you know wot India's rank is in the Human development Index of the U.N.? It is 128th; far below our neighbouring Srilanka, that has just come out of a civil war, Palastine that reels under Israeli bulldozers, and Bangladesh and Myanmar. Development doesn't mean just growth in GDP it is also abt distribution of wealth. Don't think that India is a haven for minorities how many of the perpetrators of Anti-Sikh riots of 1984 have been punished? Hw many got justice after the communal riots in 1993? What about the Srikrishna Commission report that recommends action? Wot about the plight of innumerable people killed in Gujrat pogroms of 2003? Do you have any information about 1000s of people displaced for the construction of Sardar Sarovar Dam in Gujrat? Do u know that after 30 yrs since its construction began only 29% is completed yet and in the meanwhile dam was broken 389 times? U say our system is comparatively better but for whom? For betterment comparisons should be made with the best not with the worst. Do u knw World Bank statistics say that about a half of Indians are living in extreme poverty? Our governments figures vary; planning commissions plug it at 28% while other commissions set up to study it says it is 38 to 50%.

    Now regarding ur suggestion of using force to curb extremism, where in India has this method succeeded? wot is our experience in the North east? Still our forces need extremists permission to enter there. total number of votes caste there in an election was a mere 10000(ten thousand)... wot a wonderful democracy isn't it? wot about our experience in Andaman and Nicobar?

    iT IS NOT AGAINST THE COUNTRY OR THE GOVERNMENT THAT THESE TRIBALS FIGHT. THEY EVEN DONT KNOW WOT THIS COUNTRY MEAN, wot they need is a right to live. they r not people who live buy sitting an idling in the offices. wot they need to live is forests for them forest is there life and livelihood.

    I AM NOT FOR VIOLENCE and I DON'T SUPPORT THE MEANS OF MAOISTS but AT THE SAME TIME I DON'T SUPPORT THE GOVERNMENT ACTION TOO. whats d difference between these extremists and governments if WOT THEY BOTH DO IS KILLING OF INNOCENTS? in that respects i don't think that the Maoists has killed as many people as the Hidutva-terrorists did in 1993 and 2003 riots or Kashmiri jihadists killed in the valley or the anti-sikh riots of 1984

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